Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to invite you to renew – or to start – your membership of the BSGIE.
With your membership, you become member of a vibrant society, organizing at least two symposia in Belgium every year. We are dedicated to promote the education of our trainees, to provide you with the latest updates on “must-knows” in endoscopy-world.
Moreover, with your membership, you help to build a stronger gastro-intestinal endoscopy society, which aims to optimize the care for your patient at your endoscopy suite and to continue the debate with the official instances in optimally defending a workable endoscopy unit.
We would like to remind you that there are many other benefits to becoming a member of BSGIE:
- As of 2025, becoming a BSGIE member implies you also become a full ESGE member (through the concept of BSGIE / ESGE dual membership)
- You will receive all ESGE Individual Members benefits:
- Access to the Endoscopy journal (online and print version)
- Discounts on ESGE-endorsed meetings and workshops
- Access to ESGE eLearning and myESGE tutor portals free of charge
- Access to ESGE Quality Check APP for a period of four months
- Eligibility for ESGE fellowship grants: application available to members under 40 years of age
- Eligibility for ESGE Research grants
- ESGE Guidelines: Members are regularly updated on ongoing guidelines and those interested are encouraged to be actively involved
- Access to the Members Area of the ESGE website
- You will receive all BSGIE benefits:
- BSGIE may translate ESGE guidelines into local language for posting on the BSGIE website (the translation must be submitted to ESGE for approval before posting)
- BSGIE may put forward members to partake in working groups for ESGE guidelines
- The annual ESGE Member Society fee is waived (€350)
- Discounts on registrations at the different BSGIE-meetings
- Access to the BSGIE grants
- Rewards for the best abstracts presented during the BWGE
- Access to our website You will find the presentations of our previous meetings, but also an e-learning section where several guidelines, endoscopic classifications and scores can be found.
BSGIE members who choose for the ESGE/BSGIE dual membership program, consent to their data being made available to the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ESGE) and further processed in accordance with ESGE Privacy Policy.
To renew or start your membership, please fill in the online application form on the right to enable us to keep our members list updated. Pay the amount due on the BSGIE account: IBAN: BE89 0013 4465 1685 – put as reference: Membership 2025 – Your name + Email.
The membership fee for 2025 is as follows:
- Combined BSGIE-ESGE membership: 200 €
- Trainee Combined BSGIE-ESGE membership: 120 €
- ORSI Hands-On Basic Skills Endoscopy Course: 0 € (this advantage is granted only once)
Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December regardless of the membership application date. Trainees need to send a training certificate to the secretary, signed by their mentor.
We invite you to follow the BSGIE and Belgian group of young GI endoscopists (BygGIE) on Facebook and send us your comments and suggestions.
We will be delighted to count you among us! We remain at your disposal to pursue together our primary goal: to stimulate the development and quality of digestive endoscopy in Belgium.
Best regards
Arnaud Lemmers: BSGIE President
Pieter Dewint: Vice-President
Pierre Eisendrath & Christophe Snauwaert: Secretaries
Please notify each change of address or candidature for membership at:
Mrs Anne Sophie Wirtz –